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Chiang Mai is in the north of Thailand.  It is not to be compared with what I have seen so far.  It is a beautiful city, bust most of everything the mentality is totally different.  Chiang Mai is very easy going, a kind of hippie village in Thailand.

Temples are not as ancient as my previous discoveries, but still it is very nice to see and especially to walk in the streets.


It is Sunday, and Chiang Mai is also well known for it’s special Sunday Market.  The main street of the city is closed to trafic and people are coming from everywhere with their stands to cover it from all kind of goods, food or anything you can imagine.  It was a real pleasure.

As I was walking between the stands something unexpected happened.  This busy street with thousands of people suddenly stoped still completely.  In the large speakers all around the market the national Hymn of Thailand is playing.  Of course it took some time to all the foreigners to understand what was happening, but in no time they also stoped their movement like all Thais did in the street and behind the improvised shops.  It was a very intense moment, one more dedicated to the king who passed away a month ago now.



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One Comment

  1. Reading your site is big pleasure for me, it deserves to go viral

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